To support the educational needs of members of Alpha-Iota Chapter of Sigma Pi at Missouri S&T.
About the Scholarship
This scholarship program provides $1,000 to any brother achieving a 4.0 for the semester and up to $2,000 if he continues achieving a 4.0 for three consecutive semesters. It also awards $1,000 scholarships to Active of the Year, Brother of the Year, and Pledge of the Year, all of which are voted on by the house. The program will also provide $10,000 for the house if it finishes in first place among all fraternities.
Scholarships Available
- Earning a 4.0 GPA in a semester (individual)
- A $1,000 scholarship for the first semester achieving a 4.0 GPA for a full-time student (as defined by the university). This is a single, one-time scholarship, unless the student earns a 4.0 GPA in the following semester.
- The scholarship will increase by $500 per additional consecutive semesters at 4.0 GPA to the maximum of $2,000 per semester to reward continued high performers. This maximum award continues as consecutive semesters of a 4.0 GPA continues but will reset to the lower reward when or if the GPA drops below 4.0 in a semester. Consecutive semesters will not be affected by co-op semesters, and the scholarship will be paid upon the student’s return to the university as a full-time student.
- The student cannot choose to take any class as pass/fail to be eligible.
- A $500 scholarship for a summer semester of a 4.0 GPA will be awarded to a full-time student as defined by the university; however, this summer semester will be excluded from the consecutive semesters.
- Improving GPA (individual)
- $1,000 scholarship for most improved semester over semester for a full-time student as defined by the university.
- $500 scholarship for 2nd most improved for a full-time student as defined by the university.
- The student cannot choose to take any class as pass/fail to qualify.
- All-house scholarship for finishing with GPAs in the top 3 in all men’s Greek fraternity (Shared – for spring and fall semesters only)
- First in grades: $10,000
- Second in grades: $7,500
- Third in grades: $5,000
- 3 major individual scholarships ($1,000 per award)
- Active of the Year
- Brother of the Year
- Pledge of the Year
- New member individual (pledge) scholarships for the semester
- Individual scholarships for pledges only and for full-time students as defined by the university.
- $1,000 for 4.0 GPA (same as actives) – counts toward consecutive semesters
- $500 for 3.50+ GPA in the semester
- $250 for 3.25+ GPA in the semester
- Individual scholarships for pledges only and for full-time students as defined by the university.
- Pledge class as a whole
- $500 scholarship per person for a collective GPA of 3.50+
- $250 scholarship per person for a collective GPA of 3.25+
General Rules
- Graduating seniors will be eligible for individual scholarships. For example, if a graduating senior earns a 4.0 in his last semester, he will receive $1,000 but will not share in any all-house scholarships.
- Non-graduating students who do not return to the university will not be eligible for individual or all-house scholarships. If he is not returning due to a hardship, the student can submit circumstances for review under the Dispute Resolution policy.
- Pledges are eligible to receive individual scholarships and, if eligible for more than one of the shared or all-house scholarships, will receive one additional scholarship of the greater amount. For example, if a pledging brother earns a 4.0 GPA, the house earns first place, and the pledge class earns a 3.5 GPA, then the pledging brother will receive the $1,000 individual scholarship, plus a $500 share of the pledge class scholarship with the $500 amount being the higher amount between the all-house and pledge class scholarships.
Dispute Resolution
The Alpha Iota Educational Fund (AIEF) will be the governing body for delivering and administering this program, and all scholarships will be awarded at its sole discretion. If conflicts or unforeseen circumstances arise, AIEF will review and render a final, un-appealable decision.
To support the educational needs of members of Alpha-Iota Chapter of Sigma Pi at Missouri S&T.
About the Scholarship
This scholarship program provides $1,000 to any brother achieving a 4.0 for the semester and up to $2,000 if he continues achieving a 4.0 for three consecutive semesters. It also awards $1,000 scholarships to Active of the Year, Brother of the Year, and Pledge of the Year, all of which are voted on by the house. The program will also provide $10,000 for the house if it finishes in first place among all fraternities.
Scholarships Available
- Earning a 4.0 GPA in a semester (individual)
- A $1,000 scholarship for the first semester achieving a 4.0 GPA for a full-time student (as defined by the university). This is a single, one-time scholarship, unless the student earns a 4.0 GPA in the following semester.
- The scholarship will increase by $500 per additional consecutive semesters at 4.0 GPA to the maximum of $2,000 per semester to reward continued high performers. This maximum award continues as consecutive semesters of a 4.0 GPA continues but will reset to the lower reward when or if the GPA drops below 4.0 in a semester. Consecutive semesters will not be affected by co-op semesters, and the scholarship will be paid upon the student’s return to the university as a full-time student.
- The student cannot choose to take any class as pass/fail to be eligible.
- A $500 scholarship for a summer semester of a 4.0 GPA will be awarded to a full-time student as defined by the university; however, this summer semester will be excluded from the consecutive semesters.
- Improving GPA (individual)
- $1,000 scholarship for most improved semester over semester for a full-time student as defined by the university.
- $500 scholarship for 2nd most improved for a full-time student as defined by the university.
- The student cannot choose to take any class as pass/fail to qualify.
- All-house scholarship for finishing with GPAs in the top 3 in all men’s Greek fraternity (Shared – for spring and fall semesters only)
- First in grades: $10,000
- Second in grades: $7,500
- Third in grades: $5,000
- 3 major individual scholarships ($1,000 per award)
- Active of the Year
- Brother of the Year
- Pledge of the Year
- New member individual (pledge) scholarships for the semester
- Individual scholarships for pledges only and for full-time students as defined by the university.
- $1,000 for 4.0 GPA (same as actives) – counts toward consecutive semesters
- $500 for 3.50+ GPA in the semester
- $250 for 3.25+ GPA in the semester
- Individual scholarships for pledges only and for full-time students as defined by the university.
- Pledge class as a whole
- $500 scholarship per person for a collective GPA of 3.50+
- $250 scholarship per person for a collective GPA of 3.25+
General Rules
- Graduating seniors will be eligible for individual scholarships. For example, if a graduating senior earns a 4.0 in his last semester, he will receive $1,000 but will not share in any all-house scholarships.
- Non-graduating students who do not return to the university will not be eligible for individual or all-house scholarships. If he is not returning due to a hardship, the student can submit circumstances for review under the Dispute Resolution policy.
- Pledges are eligible to receive individual scholarships and, if eligible for more than one of the shared or all-house scholarships, will receive one additional scholarship of the greater amount. For example, if a pledging brother earns a 4.0 GPA, the house earns first place, and the pledge class earns a 3.5 GPA, then the pledging brother will receive the $1,000 individual scholarship, plus a $500 share of the pledge class scholarship with the $500 amount being the higher amount between the all-house and pledge class scholarships.
Dispute Resolution
The Alpha Iota Educational Fund (AIEF) will be the governing body for delivering and administering this program, and all scholarships will be awarded at its sole discretion. If conflicts or unforeseen circumstances arise, AIEF will review and render a final, un-appealable decision.